Forest Inventory on Wind Farms

Projetos Realizados

Cliente: CPFL Renováveis

Client: CPFL Renováveis 

Forest Inventory is a service that aims at the quantitative characterization of woody plants from a given area. 

To do so, it estimates with statistical precision the structure of the vegetation in question, allowing to accurately infer the volume of wood that will be suppressed for the installation of a given enterprise. 

The most commonly used method in carrying out forest inventories is the positioning of fixed-area plots located within the directly affected area.

In these plots, woody individuals are identified and measured for DBH and height, but other relevant information may also be collected. 

The data provided by this type of analysis is important to support environmental licensing processes for various types of undertakings. 

A practical example of the application of this type of service was a series of four forest inventories carried out by Geonoma for the expansion of wind farms located in Rio Grande do Norte. 

Wind farms have been an energy generation alternative that is increasingly sought after and applied in Brazil, as they are an ecologically clean, renewable source that does not produce harmful gases or waste. 

However, its installation often requires suppression of vegetation, especially in areas of native vegetation in the northeast, where the winds are favorable for the proper functioning of this type of energy resource. 

On the occasion of this project, Geonoma's team verified the presence of a phytogeographical complex in an ecotone, with characteristics of Grassland (Cerrado), Atlantic Forest and Caatinga, in an area already quite disturbed by human actions.

Thanks to this forest inventory, it was possible to define suitable techniques for removing the vegetation cover, restrict the area to be removed to only what is necessary, identify the forest products resulting from the removal, plus their correct destination. 


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