What We Do

We are leaders in assessing and valuing biodiversity, natural resources and we have the best solutions for environmental projects.

Geonoma offers environmental services with licensing solutions for different projects; diagnoses, reports and monitoring of biodiversity; environmental restoration; environmental adequacy of properties; forest inventories; land use planning; reduction and avoidance of greenhouse gas emissions; and in terms of conservation, management and enhancement of natural resources.

Our projects are characterized by high technical quality and intelligent solutions from experienced professionals who are highly qualified to provide the most diverse types of environmental services.

Símbolo de uma casa com uma folha dentro

Environmental Adequacy of Properties

Service aimed at ensuring that properties, mainly rural, comply with environmental legislation.
Chaminés soltando fumaça

Developer of carbon credit projects

GHG emissions neutralization projects, carbon credit projects development (REDD, REDD+, ARR and WRC) and execution of projects with CCB.
Uma linha traçando um caminho entre o início e o fim

Land Use Planning

Analysis and interpretation of satellite images and aerial photos for mapping with environmental and agricultural purposes.
Uma licensa

Environmental Licensing

Technical and bureaucratic advice to guide and assist in obtaining the environmental license for your enterprise.
Duas mãos com uma planta flutuando

Environmental Conservation

Studies and activities that help preserve and generate income from private and public natural areas that contribute to the protection and recovery of the Natural Capital.
Uma mão segurando uma planta

Environmental Restoration

Restoration of native vegetation cover for environmental compensation purposes, compliance with Terms of Environmental Commitments and environmental regularization.
Prancheta com uma lista de afazeres

Forest Inventory

Studies that quantify with statistical precision the volume/biomass of timber and non-timber products or plant biodiversity.
Uma lupa com uma folha atrás da lente

Biodiversity Diagnosis, Reports and Monitoring

Studies and technical reports on the qualification and quantification of biodiversity and natural resources.
Um ícone de local em cima de um planeta terra cortado no meio


Environmental Licences. Elaboration of environmental impact studies in the licensing of enterprises of different sizes.


Personalized Consultation

Request an analysis and quote.
