
Environmental licensing

Advisory, technical studies, diagnostics, monitoring of conditions, and compliance with environmental laws and regulations.

Environmental Management and Programs

Strategic activities for better management of environmental assets, whether from a natural area or the result of a project's conditions.

Environmental Restoration

Restoration of native vegetation cover for environmental compensation, compliance with Environmental Commitment Terms, environmental regularization, and conservation. Development of projects and execution of planting and maintenance.

Conservation Projects

Enhancement of environmental assets in natural areas. Studies and activities that support the preservation and income generation of private and public natural areas, contributing to the protection and restoration of Natural Capital.


Territorial intelligence and spatial analysis. Geoprocessing is a key tool for environmental projects. The spatialization of data and the production of maps serve both as support for environmental studies and as final deliverables.

Why choose Geonoma?

A specialized team in conservation, climate change, social impact, and remote monitoring.

Projects conducted in all regions of the country.

Solutions with socio-environmental responsibility.

Personalized service directly with the technical team.

Our projects

[Ingles]Diagnóstico das RPPNs envolvidas no Programa Mata Atlântica do WWF-Brasil

Este projeto realizado pela Geonoma teve como objetivo elaborar um diagnóstico detalhado sobre a situação ambiental das Reservas Particulares do Patrimônio Natural  (RPPN) e de outras áreas verdes privadas localizadas no escopo geográfico do "Programa Mata Atlântica" do WWF-Brasil.
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Avenida Brigadeiro Luís Antônio 2543,

6º andar, conjunto 63

CEP 01401-000

Jardim Paulista – São Paulo, SP