Nascentes de Paranapiacaba Municipal Natural Park 

Projetos Realizados

Parque Natural Municipal Nascentes do Paranapiacaba

Elaboration of the management plan for the Municipal Natural Park Nascentes de Paranapiacaba, in Santo André, SP.

A management plan is an instrument for managing Conservation Units to ensure the achievement of protection and conservation objectives. The plan contains environmental diagnoses and based on this information, management programs are made, involving programs for protection, recovery, public use, among others. According to Law Nº 9.985/2000, the National System of Conservation Units is established, which determines the Management Plan as a technical document referring to where, based on the common objectives of a Conservation Unit, its zoning and rules are defined to be followed in the use of the area and the management of natural resources.

Every conservation unit must have a Management Plan, one that must encompass the area of the Conservation Unit, its buffer zone and ecological corridors, and to actions aimed at promoting its integration into the economic and social life of neighboring communities (Art. 27, §1). 


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